Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Did your laptop got the “poor sting” yet ?

Laptop on hard, flat surface? The leading cause of laptop overheating is what engineers call "poor siting." Notebook computers are designed to run on flat level surfaces, with at least a couple inches of unobstructed space all around. Running a laptop computer sitting in the opened shoulder bag on your lap is a great way to block intake and exhaust vents and overheat the poor computer. Running on a bed is equally bad for laptops that have vents on the bottom, and if it's a soft bed or there are loose sheets and blankets, the side vents can get blocked as well. Running on your lap is generally discouraged by manufacturers, but most laptops do get run on a lap from time to time. Be sure to locate and avoid blocking any air vents on the bottom. If you're troubleshooting an intermittent laptop overheating problem, the first check is to pick a nice cool place with a large flat surface to run the notebook and see if the problem clears up.

Laptop shuts down? Computers may not be smarter than people, but if they're designed properly, they will shut themselves down before overheating to the extent that they do themselves damage. Laptop repair in Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi or other major cities provides you specific instructions so that your laptop doesn’t gets the poor sting. Once a laptop shuts down for thermal event protection, it may refuse to power back up for a few minutes, or it may begin to boot and shut down as soon as it gets to the point that it can figure out that it’s too hot.

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